Title: Kingdom of the Wicked
Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Series: N/A
Pages: 372 pages
HB or PB: Hardback 
Genre: YA, Historical, Fantasy
Publication Date: October 2020
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
How did I get this book: Bought (Fairyloot) 
Format (e- or p-): Physical
Purchase Book: Book Depository

Two sisters.

One brutal murder.

A quest for vengeance that will unleash Hell itself…

And an intoxicating romance.

Emilia and her twin sister Vittoria are streghe – witches who live secretly among humans, avoiding notice and persecution. One night, Vittoria misses dinner service at the family’s renowned Sicilian restaurant. Emilia soon finds the body of her beloved twin…desecrated beyond belief. Devastated, Emilia sets out to find her sister’s killer and to seek vengeance at any cost-even if it means using dark magic that’s been long forbidden.

Then Emilia meets Wrath, one of the Wicked-princes of Hell she has been warned against in tales since she was a child. Wrath claims to be on Emilia’s side, tasked by his master with solving the series of women’s murders on the island. But when it comes to the Wicked, nothing is as it seems…


Let's face it, i've been in a reading slump since around June. This book got me out of the slump - it had all the elements I love in a fantasy book. Beautifully written, Kingdoms, witches, curses, demons and the odd vampire and love/hate relationships. 

We may be at the end of the year, but i've gathered all the books I've bought over the past months and left them on my shelves. Diving into a book and then not finishing it. Opening the October Fairyloot and seeing the beauty of this book, i knew as soon as I had some time off i'll dive into this world and i'll enjoy it.

I so did! I cannot wait to see what's next as Kerri Maniscalco just confirmed the second instalment will be called KINGDOM OF THE CURSED and i'm so excited to see whats next for Emilia and Wrath. The ending I was hoping for didn't happen which is quite normal when there is more to come so as soon as i finished the last page, i immediately wanted to know more and cannot wait for the next instalment.

Overall, this book was everything and more. A lovely world of witches and demons and a kingdom of hell. This year I needed a book to get me excited for books again, and this was the one! 

StefyTalks Rating
Kingdom of the Wicked ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️