Finally a review I've been meaning to do for awhile now, My Louis Vuitton Clemence Wallet, 6 month review wear and tear. I've been using it daily since February 2021.

The wallet itself is beautiful, it was my wedding present from my husband which was bought in December 2019 for our original wedding date in May 202 which got postponed due to Covid-19 and pushed back to February 2021.

Louis Vuitton Clemence Wallet - Monogram with Rose Ballerine RRP in Dec 2019 was €360.
Current RRP in September 2021 is €390, making the wallet €30 more then when it was bought originally in Munich, Germany in 2019. Please note, Louis Vuitton prices go up a percentage every couple of months just like Chanel and Gucci and other designer houses.

Pros & Cons aswell as Wear and Tear can be seen in the video below which is found on our YouTube Channel. Make sure to go ahead and subscribe if you aren't a subscriber.