Title: Beasts and Beauty Dangerous Tales
Author: Soman Chainani
Series: N/A
Pages: 336 pages
HB or PB: Hardback 
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy
Publication Date: September 2021
Publisher: HarperCollins
How did I get this book: Bought (Agenda) 
Format (e- or p-): Physical
Purchase Book: Agenda Bookshop

You think you know these stories, don’t you?

You are wrong.

You don’t know them at all.

Twelve tales, twelve dangerous tales of mystery, magic, and rebellious hearts. Each twists like a spindle to reveal truths full of warning and triumph, truths that capture hearts long kept tame and set them free, truths that explore life . . . and death.

A prince has a surprising awakening . . .                           

A beauty fights like a beast . . .

A boy refuses to become prey . . .

A path to happiness is lost. . . . then found again.


The twist in the 12 stories was very intriguing. I enjoyed them all! You just never want to put the book down but read the next instalment. The chosen stories were written in a different light which i must say was interesting and enjoyable. A must read for anyone wanting to read classical stories with a twist. Have to also include that the illustrations were a beautiful touch to the stories.

My favourite stories would have had to of been Cinderella, Peter Pan, Red Riding Hood and Beauty and the Beast

Overall, this book got me out of a reading rut, it took me awhile to sit down and read due to my pregnancy and wanting to get myself together but really enjoyed it.

StefyTalks Rating
Beasts and Beauty Dangerous Tales ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️