Title: The Carnival of Ash
Author: Tom Beckerlegge
Series: N/A
Pages: 582 pages
HB or PB: Hardback
Genre: Adult, Historical Fantasy
Publication Date: March 15 2022
Publisher: Rebellion Publishing
How did I get this book: Advance Copy
Format (e- or p-): Physical
Purchase Book: Amazon
Cadenza is the City of Words, a city run by poets, its skyline dominated by the steepled towers of its libraries, its heart beating to the stamp and thrum of the printing presses in the Printing Quarter.
Carlo Mazzoni, a young wordsmith arrives at the city gates intent on making his name as the bells ring out with the news of the death of the city’s poet-leader. Instead, he finds himself embroiled with the intrigues of a city in turmoil, the looming prospect of war with their rival Venice ever-present. A war that threatens not only to destroy Cadenza but remove it from history altogether…
Carlo Mazzoni, a young wordsmith arrives at the city gates intent on making his name as the bells ring out with the news of the death of the city’s poet-leader. Instead, he finds himself embroiled with the intrigues of a city in turmoil, the looming prospect of war with their rival Venice ever-present. A war that threatens not only to destroy Cadenza but remove it from history altogether…
I'm so excited to be on the Blog Tour with The Write Reads for The Carnival of Ash. I am currently still reading it but if you'd like to view reviews until I post mine, please visit the link here: https://twitter.com/WriteReadsTours and you'll find a few other bloggers/reviewers who have read it already! Wanted to be able to spread the word of this amazing historical fantasy book and be sure to see my review on it shortly!
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