Hello 2018, Goodbye 2017 - You have been great! A New Year is here which only means a fresh page, a new chapter in our book. I for one have to admit that the last couple of months for 2017 have been quite a whirlwind with a new job, crazy hectic times and I put aside my blog, my YouTube channel and said i'll start fresh in the new year which is what I am currently doing on the first day of 2018.


To those who have been following me and my ventures, you will be surprised to see that after 8 years I have changed my name to STEFYTALKS - you may ask why? Well I wanted an easier name and since i'm a chatterbox - the name seemed to fit me and well myself. I want a platform where you get to know me not just a girl sitting behind a computer writing or in front of the camera when you see new content on my YouTube channel. 


With every new year, My birthday is just days away and it's always a new year and a year older for me. I usually tell myself to get my act together each and every year and each year I reflect on my year and hope to mature more and more. My 25th Year was a year of risks, ups and downs but mainly I did a lot of growing up and also when the 5th January strikes that 26 mark is quite a scary one for me as it's a reminder that I have 4 years left in my 20s! I'm sure i'll have alot to share with you all this year.


Whilst I had a couple of months to myself really thinking where i'd like to take my content this year, the one thing I have noticed is the lack of Blogposts and how much I loved writing especially back in 2012/13. My best years were when I was living in the UK. I'd spend a good amount of time planning and filming videos and writing posts and being active on all social media platforms especially Twitter. I felt like part of the community and this is something I do miss. This year, I plan to get more involved again and write more and remember the reason for why I started 8 years ago - to write and share my thoughts, memories and also items I may love or loathe and chat with an amazing community online that turn into great friendships!


I have to admit, my Saturdays last year ended up being taken over by events and other commitments which meant my day for filming and blogging went out the window for some time and so this year, my aim is to plan and schedule dedicated time to my blogging and filming. We all should have our down time to do what we love. I need to remember to jot down ideas in my phone or in my notebook when ideas come to me even when i'm out!


I have to admit, this one has been by far the most horrendous task yet. We take turns taking photos for each other - you can guess who gets the blurry ones and the ones that just aren't as detailed as you'd hope for. Sometimes I feel like I should include Outfit Posts for Men with the photos i've take for Ryan this past year. He has a problem for details - even if it's a little tag that can spoil the photo. Poor lad I do get really annoyed but I'm actually considering taking him to a photo session class! He does try his best bless him and I have to admit some photos do come out nice but I can count them on my two hands for a whole year. Having someone who can take your photos for you is such a handy tool. This is something I do want to try and work on this year.

What are your New Year's Resolutions?
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