Title: The Wicked King
Author: Holly Black
Series: The Folk of the Air #2
Pages: 338 pages
HB or PB: Hardback 
Genre: YA, YA Fantasy
Publication Date: January 2019
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
How did I get this book: Bought
Format (e- or p-): Physical
Purchase Book: Book Depository

You must be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring.

The first lesson is to make yourself that strong.

Jude has bound the wicked king, Cardan, to her, and made herself the power behind the throne. Navigating the constantly shifting political alliances of Faerie would be difficult enough if Cardan were biddable. But he does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her, even as his fascination with her remains undiminished.

When it becomes all too clear that someone close to Jude means to betray her, threatening her life and the lives of everyone she loves, Jude must uncover the traitor and fight her own complicated feelings for Cardan to maintain control as a mortal in a faerie world.


This is a continuation from the first book, The Cruel Prince. I couldn't wait to jump into the next book as Cardan is crowned the High King and well, Jude has control over him for a year and a day. Over the next few chapters, we see alot. Locke and Taryn are to be wed.

We see alot of things happen in this book. Even though I wish there was more and some scenes were not my favourite. Locke I began to enjoy hating him through out the entire book, I didn't know how easily you can hate a character. As for Taryn, Vivi an Oak - these characters were portrayed well.

Madoc, on the other hand I just hated him, he was always scheming and always trying to find a way to get to the thrown and be crowned.

The end was a bittersweet storyline, you start to enjoy reading to learn to hate the last chapter and last few pages eagerly waiting to read the next book in the series. How can you wed and then exile your wife to the mortal world?! Cardan seriously!? 

Overall, I couldn't give this book 5 stars but 4 because there were some aspects I wished were better and some storylines I wished were written out in this book then having to wait to see what happens in the next. Again I love the Jude & Cardan's Love/Hate Relationship and I can't wait to read more of their story even if she has been exiled to the mortal world at the end of this book.

StefyTalks Rating
The Wicked King ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️